
Thursday, May 19, 2011

My little rockstar!

Yesterday while sitting with nothing much to do, it occurred to me that I had not knit something in a long time. Searched through patterns in Ravelry and found this. Calorimetry is so easy to make( well I had some confusions and a friend in Ravelry helped me). Was doing short rows for the first time.

 I did not realize it will result in holes and panicked a bit in between. But then found out it's supposed to be like that. Apparently, there is also a method to avoid holes while doing short rows. A friend has promised to teach me that.

This can be adjusted to fit his head and mine as well. But doubt it if I will get to use it.


  1. your rockstar looks really cool with this head band!

  2. What a fantastic pattern! Great photos of your little rockstar - adorable. Have a lovely weekend!

  3. Looks soo cool on the rockstar! I've wanted to make this pattern for a while now but have been scared off by the short row thing.


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