
Monday, May 30, 2011

Yarn Shopping

Back home again. Last week, before leaving to my parents' place, I went to a craft shopping trip with friends found through Ravelry. I was meeting all of them for the first time. Instantly felt at home in the group and it was so much fun shopping with them. Here is my loot.

All the large skeins are very soft acrylic. And the smaller ones are 'bling threads' (don't know what they are called). I saw a granny stripe boutique bag a friend made using this thread and immediately decided I need to make those. I wanted to make this bag since a long time. After seeing the bling version, I couldn't wait any longer. I am done with my bag, except the lining which I plan to finish today. Have made some changes in the measurements mentioned in the original pattern. Will give the details in my next post, I promise.

I also bought a yarn winder which has made life so much easier. Yesterday the whole day I was making yarn cakes :).

I have almost finished making a drop stitch scarf, but more about that later.


  1. Hi Saritha, I hope you're feeling a bit better! Silly colds - they drive you nuts ay. Love your bag - what a fab pattern. Also have to say, I adore your hexagon blanket! I was looking at Lucy's pattern yesterday and think I will give it a go. Have a lovely week.

  2. thats some shopping you did girl!


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