
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Little housie!!!

No I was not on holiday!!!I was in the bed most of the time the past few days. Only times I got out was to go to the hospital or to the loo. I was hit by a very bad stomach infection and it was really baaad!!!!. After two courses of antibiotics and a few visits to the hospital, I feel better now. But I do not feel like knitting, crocheting or sewing after that. Why????????? I have gone through many of your blogs , to get that feeling back, and seeing so many lovely stuff in blogland is definitely helping. Okay, enough of my blabber.
Let me share with you pictures of a little sewing project I did a weekend, before all of this started.

I am not very good with embroidery. I have never done any serious embroidery. My inexperience can be seen here. But I love this little housie. Fully handmade by me. :) .. I was so inspired by a crocheted little house Lucy showed in her blog here

On the side I have tried to put a watering jug and a plant.

In the backside is a washing line with a granny blankie and stripy pajamas!!!Not so neat, I know. But not bad for a beginner, right??

I hope I can start crocheting, knitting and sewing again. Have a nice weekend!!


Anonymous said...

How nasty!
I hope you are beginning to feel better.
The house is beautiful. And your embroidery work is not messy at all.
So cute :-)

Shortbread and Ginger said...

Your little house is just lovely! Glad you are feeling better.
Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

Lina said...

I hope you recover quickly and you can teach new projects soon. Your little hoyuse is beautiful.

Have a nice weekend!

Grateful4Crochet said...

The house is adorable- hope you feel better soon

Josie said...

Hope you become your active self soon.. sending healing vibes your way. the little house is too cute. what is the blue fabric you have used? canvas? and, your embroidery is lovely too.. don't be too hard on yourself.. you've done a good job on it. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that you have been so sick. I hope you feel better soon.
The house is so cute. I love all the details.

Claire said...

Ohh ow gorgeous is that granny square blanket hanging on the line? Your embroidery is fine, you little house is cute and I just love the washing line.......

Glad you're feeling better, sounds like a very miserable time all up.

Hope you have a great weekend,

Claire :}

Pearlin J said...

aww I hope you get back to 100 % fitness soon Saritha
The little house is sooo adorable!Love !!

Ninu said...

thats so cute..I love tht granny blankie n pajamas..and ur embroidery is not at all bad! hope you are well now!

Nima said...

the little house looks cute saritha...i love it..

MarmePurl said...

So colorful and cute...just what I needed to see for a little cheer on this damp and dreary day in my neck of the woods. :)

Pradeepa said...

The house is adorable and the blanket in the clothes line is sooo cute. I hope you are feeling better now.

Memo Box said...

Your house is adorable. Glad you're feeling better now.

Crafted by Carly said...

Sorry to hear you've not been feeling well - hope you're felling a bit better now!
Your little house is lovely - and I think your embroidery is great!!!

Minding My Own Stitches said...

The granny square blanket you embroidered is just TOO awesome. I think you have crazy good embroidery skills! Feel better!

Anonymous said...

oh no thats terrible, I'm glad your feeling better now though. Nothing worse than being really sick. I love your little house and the embroidery is too cute that granny blanket is adorable, I hope you feel like getting back on the crafting horse soon lots of love xx

Anonymous said...

This is super cute!
Get well soon

Pussywillow & Purl xx

Meg said...

Hope you feel better! Stomach bugs are the worst. And your embroidery is far better than any I could have done! Such a cute little house.

Tante Izzy said...

I love it. So nice.

Becks said...

Hope you're feeling better soon. The little house is lovely, definitely not amateur looking at all!

Anonymous said...

I discovered you on Annemarie´s crochet blog.
I love your little house, it´s beautiful.

Have a nice weekend :o)

erin said...

so glad you're feeling a little better! the house is adorable - and I think your embroidery is wonderful!

Annaboo's House said...

Oh, poor you- how nasty.
I'm sure your creative mojo will return soon!
LOVE your house. Not bad for a beginner??!! - it's excellent!
PS giveaway over at mine if you fancy it!

Teresa Kasner said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your illness! I've been dealing with gout and plantar fasciitis in my right foot for a few weeks. Bummer for us!

I adore your little house and I think it's perfect!! You should do more embroidery.

((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Nancy said...

I think your little house is adorable. I especially love the clothesline with the blanket on it. Take care of yourself and continue to feel better.

Sara said...

Adorable and the stitch up is fantastic. Love the little tin next to it on the shelf as well.